Sunday, 17 April 2011

Season 5 Episode 19

Wouldn’t It Be Nice
First Aired: 17/Apr/2011
<< S5E18S5E20 >>
Brody: Okay, this is the hard... this is the hardest one of all. Yeah. He's a British soccer player. He just played in L.A.
Nora: David Beckham.
Brody: Yeah!
Kevin: How do you even know that, mom?
Nora: Well, you don't have to be a soccer fan or gay to know who David Beckham is.
Brody: Okay, okay, this guy is a painter.
Nora: A painter.
Brody: He's American and he made weird movies, too. H... he painted soup cans.
Nora: Andy Warhol.
Brody: Nice! Okay. Uh, ooh. Um... mm.
Justin: Well, if... if you don't know his name, you can use somebody else who has the same first name.
Kevin: Stop helping them. They're killing us.
Brody: I know who it is. That's not the problem. This...
Kevin: Ten... Nine...
Brody: He's a singer.
Kevin: Eight...
Brody: He's got a really crazy name.
Kevin: Seven...
Nora: Englebert Humperdinck!
Brody & Nora: Yeah!
Nora: I don't know how I knew it.
Brody: Oh, you pronounced it right, too.
Kevin: All right, next time we're splitting you up. Couples can't play together.
Nora: You know what? We're winning because we're good, not because we're a couple, and we're not a couple anyway.
Brody: I think it's safe to say we're dating, Nora.
Nora: You know what? It's not safe to say anything around these guys. They'll misrepresent it and misconstrue it and then use it against you later.
Kevin: You're worried about us? What about the neighbors? You've had a large winnebago parked in your driveway for...
Nora: Kevin.
Brody: You want me to...
Justin: Ooh. Hey.
Brody: You want me to park it down the block? That's a long walk home every night, Kevin.
Kevin: You don't let him stay over, mom?
Nora: Would you... my God, this is none of your business. And, no, not even a nap.
Justin: Well, what the hell are you guys waiting for? I mean, you've already been there and done that.
Brody: Hold it there, tiger.
Nora: Justin.
Justin: Well, I-I meant with each other, or Sarah wouldn't have thought that he might be her father, for God sakes.
Nora: All right. That's it. Game's over. Thank you so much for coming.
Brody: I think I'll get another beer.
Nora: What is your problem? What's the matter with you? You're making both of us very uncomfortable.
Kevin: Mom, relax. It's okay. He's... he's clearly in love with you.
Nora: Would you stop? My God. It's none of your b... How do you know he's in love with me?
Kevin: Oh, come on.
Justin: Ma, he's clearly in love with you.
Nora: You know what? I am furious with your husband for taking Olivia off to get ice cream. I made a cake. All the kids love my cake.
Kevin: You didn't make a cake. You made a viennese dobos torte. The name alone scared her off, - and stop changing the subject.
Nora: All right. All right. All right. I like him... quite a lot.
Justin: Ooh.
Nora: Shh. Oh, Justin, grow up. If you two would just please back off... who knows where this might go.
Kevin: Consider us backed off.
Justin: So backing.

Olivia: I think grandma was mad when we left.
Scotty: Mm, I don't think so. And even if she was, it is worth it... because this ice cream is awesome.
Olivia: Don't tell her that I ordered cake batter.
Scotty: You know, this chocolate-peanut butter is pretty good, too.
Olivia: Wanna switch?
Scotty: Totes. Michelle?
Michelle: Scotty.
Scotty: Oh, my God. What are you doing here? I can't believe it.
Michelle: Uh, I... I was just in town for a few days.
Scotty: Why didn't you call?
Michelle: I was visiting my mom, d d I-I'm only here for a few days, so I didn't really have time to.
Scotty: Is everything okay?
Michelle: Yeah. You know how moms are. They don't see you for a while, they... they freak out. I... I wish I could talk, but I really... I actu...
Olivia: Hi, I'm Olivia.
Scotty: Oh, I'm... I'm sorry. This is, um, this is our daughter Olivia.
Michelle: Your daughter?
Scotty: Yeah.
Michelle: I didn't know you guys...
Olivia: They adopted me.
Scotty: You know, I've known Michelle since I was about your age.
Michelle: Scotty, I've gotta go.
Scotty: You know, Olivia, I just remembered, Kevin asked for us to get him a pint of mint chocolate chip. Would you get us one to go?
Olivia: Sure. You guys want to talk. I get it.
Scotty: Thank you.
Michelle: Scotty, listen, I know that you want to talk and everything, but I... I can't do th...
Scotty: Michelle, seriously, where have you been? It's like you dropped off the face of the planet.
Michelle: It's New York. It's... it's intense.
Scotty: Michelle, we don't blame you in any way for what happened. We knew that when you offered to be our surrogate that... that miscarriages happen.
Michelle: I don't want to talk about this.
Scotty: There's nothing you could've done differently. So you're still in New York?
Michelle: For now.
Scotty: And you're staying with your mom out here?
Michelle: Uh, no.
Scotty: Listen, what are you doing tonight? I would love for you...
Michelle: I... I can't do this, Scotty. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Scotty: Michelle...
Michelle: I'm just... I'm not... I'm not doing well right now.
Scotty: Mich... Michelle.
Michelle: I'm sorry, Scotty.

Kevin: What do you mean, she seemed off?
Scotty: She just wasn't the same Michelle I know.
Kevin: Well, I'm not surprised. What did you expect? She moved across the country. She made it perfectly clear, she didn't want to see us.
Scotty: I know, but she's my friend. Maybe... maybe I should've tried harder to repair things.
Kevin: How? She changed her cell phone number. She didn't even give you an address, okay? She cut us out, Scotty.
Scotty: She couldn't even look me in the eye. You know, this one time in High School, she disappeared after a really bad breakup. But she called me so that everyone would know that s she was all right.
Kevin: Well, I thought you said she was only gone for a week.
Scotty: Yeah. She came back to drama class like nothing happened. Then they made her go see a shrink.
Kevin: What are you trying to say?
Scotty: Maybe the miscarriage set something off in her.
Kevin: No. No, no, no. I think you're making too much outta this.
Scotty: Maybe. But it's hard to see her in pain like this. I want to help her. She wasn't just our surrogate, Kevin.
Kevin: I don't think she wants your help, Scotty. Michelle doesn't want to go back there now. I know I don't.
Scotty: Olivia.
Kevin: Hey, sweetheart. What's going on?
Scotty: Are you excited about the zoo? When's Mrs. Turner coming to get ya?
Olivia: Now.
Kevin: Olivia, about what you just heard... Um...
Olivia: That's them. I'm gonna go get my jacket.
Scotty: How long was she standing there?
Kevin: Long enough to wonder if she was second choice. Damn it.

Kevin: So what animals did you see?
Olivia: A zebra, lions... stuff that you see at the zoo.
Scotty: Uh, listen, Olivia, about what you heard earlier today...
Olivia: You tried to have a baby with Michelle, didn't you?
Kevin: She was trying to help us, yes.
Olivia: How?
Scotty: Well, it's not like either of us... Oh, boy. Um...
Olivia: What's a surrogate?
Kevin: Uh, it's actually the woman who carries the baby to term, but ours wasn't born.
Olivia: Is that why Michelle doesn't want to see you, because you're still sad?
Scotty: Well... I mean, we were, yes, but then we found you. Do you understand?
Olivia: Yeah.
Scotty: Yeah.
Kevin: Good, because we want you to be okay.
Olivia: I am. Can I please wear my new leggings to Luc's show?
Scotty: Of course.
Kevin: Sounds very chic.
Olivia: Cool. I'll go get dressed.
Kevin: Great.
Scotty: Think she's okay?
Kevin: I don't know.
Scotty: We're only supposed to say as much as they ask, right?
Kevin: It'll be good for her to go to the show, spend some time with us.
Scotty: Um, I'm gonna have to meet you there.
Kevin: Why?
Scotty: Well, I've been calling friends trying to find Michelle all day, and nobody has heard from her since she left for New York.
Kevin: Okay, that is weird.
Scotty: And then a friend said she saw her at the W Hotel. I called over to the hotel, she didn't pick up the phone, so...
Kevin: Scotty, I think we have enough on our hands without this.
Scotty: What if something's really wrong with her? She was my best friend.
Kevin: Well, what am I supposed to tell Olivia when she asks where you're going?
Scotty: Tell her the truth.

Sarah: I think he's really mad at me.
Kevin: Well, if you cleaned my office, I'd kill you.
Sarah: Why? You can clean my office anytime, right, Olivia? I thought I was doing him a favor. Now I can't even get five minutes to talk to him about it.
Kevin: Well, look at him. He's famous now.
Olivia: Like a Jonas brother.
Kevin: Yeah.
Sarah: Which one?
Kevin & Olivia: Joe.
Sarah: Ah.
Olivia: When's Scotty getting here? He's gonna miss the show.
Kevin: He'll be here. Don't worry.
Sarah: Where is Scotty?
Olivia: He doesn't want to talk about it in front of me.
Kevin: That's not true. I told you. He's gone to see Michelle.
Olivia: Their surrogate.
Kevin: He ran into her. It's no big deal.
Olivia: Then why is he going to see her?
Kevin: Um... I don't know.
Scotty: Hey.
Sarah: Oh.
Scotty: I love your leggings.
Kevin: Everything okay?
Scotty: Uh, she checked out.
Kevin: We should probably...
Scotty: Right.
Kevin: Yeah.
Scotty: Hey, do you want to look at some art?
Olivia: See what I mean? They don't want to talk about it in front of me.
Sarah: Got it.
Kevin: Come on. Come on.

Kevin: Are you okay?
Scotty: Oh, I don't know. It's like she's running away from her whole life.
Kevin: Yeah.
Olivia: Are you guys still talking about Michelle?
Scotty: Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie.
Kevin: You know what? You want to get one of those bottled root beers?
Olivia: No, I want you to tell me why you went to go see Michelle.
Scotty: I just wanted to talk to her.
Kevin: Yeah.
Olivia: Are you guys gonna have another baby with her?
Scotty: No, no.
Kevin: Is that what you think?
Olivia: I don't know.
Kevin: Liv...
Scotty: Okay, you're right. I have to let this thing with Michelle go.
Kevin: I'm sorry.

Olivia: I can't sleep.
Scotty: What's wrong, sweetie?
Kevin: Come here.
Olivia: Can I ask you guys one more question?
Scotty: Of course. You can ask us any question you want.
Olivia: When you decided to adopt, were you trying to adopt a baby?
Kevin: No. We wanted a family. And when we met you at the fair that day, we realized, we'd found one.
Olivia: So you don't wish that I was younger when you met me?
Kevin: No.
Scotty: Olivia, you're perfect. The three of us... this is our family.
Kevin: Yeah.
Olivia: Is that why Michelle's mad at you, because you don't want to try and have another baby with her?
Scotty: Michelle's going through a hard time right now. That... that's all.
Kevin: Yeah.
Olivia: And she doesn't want to talk?
Kevin: Not right now.
Olivia: She's your friend. You shouldn't give up on her. I can be a pain sometimes, and you guys never give up on me.
Scotty: I'll tell you what... we will promise not to give up on Michelle if you promise not to worry anymore.
Olivia: Deal.
Scotty: Deal?
Kevin: Deal?
Scotty: Deal.
Kevin: Deal? Deal?
Scotty: Deal. Deal.

Scotty: Kevin.
Kevin: What?
Scotty: She's right.
Kevin: Who?
Scotty: Olivia. We can't give up. We have to find Michelle and try to help her.
Kevin: How?
Scotty: When I went to the hotel, the clerk said she ordered a car service. She had to cancel it when she checked out.
Keviny: So what are you saying?
Scotty: Well, it's 6:00 A.M., which means wherever she is, she's getting ready to leave for L.A.X., terminal 3. That's what the clerk said.
Kevin: What about Olivia?
Scotty: Saul gets here in 15 minutes to make his hollandaise sauce.
Kevin: My head's about to explode. Let's go.

Scotty: Anything?
Kevin: I've circled every self check-in kiosk twice. I'm pretty sure the T.S.A.'s about ready to strip-search me.
Scotty: Well, I guess she could've taken a flight last night.
Kevin: Yeah. We always knew it was a long shot.
Scotty: Should we go home?
Kevin: Okay. But first, I'm starving. You want to buy me an overpriced pretzel?
Kevin: Of course.
Scotty: Thanks.

Kevin: I'm gonna have to spin for three hours to get rid of this. What?
Scotty: That's her.
Kevin: What?
Scotty: Michelle! Michelle!
Kevin: Oh, my God.
Scotty: Michelle!
Kevin: Michelle! Excuse us.
Scotty: Michelle!
Clerk: I need your ticket and I.D., sir.
Kevin: Uh, we have to get to our friend.
Clerk: Only ticketed passengers.
Scotty: No, you don't understand. That could be our baby.
Scotty: Michelle!
Kevin: Michelle!
Scotty: Michelle!
Kevin: Michelle!
Scotty: Michelle!
Kevin: Michelle!

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