Sunday, 1 March 2009

Season 3 Episode 16 - 17

Family Legacy
First Aired: 01/Mar/2009
<< S3E14S3E18 >>
Episode 16
♪ Darlin' Do Not Fear ♪ by Brett Denne ♪ Listen
Justin: Do what?
Sarah: This.
Justin: This?
Sarah: Yes.
Justin: Family dinner. There's gotta be a story.
Sarah: Oh, Mom. Do you need a hand with anything?
Nora: No. I'm fine.
Justin: So does anyone wanna guess why we're really here?
Saul: Don't you think it's possible that your mother wants to have her children over without an agenda.
All: No.
Kevin: Saul, she cooked a rack of lamb.
Sarah: Oh, I know what this is about.
Scotty: What's it about?
Sarah: It's about me.
Kevin: Oh, what a novel conclusion.
Kitty: What's so special about you?
Sarah: Because, apart from the obvious, thanks to my little startup that could, Greenatopia, I paid off my second mortgage yesterday.
All: Oh, wow.
Julia: Sarah! High five.
Robert: That's great.
Tommy: No offense: That's roast chicken at best.
Kevin: Yeah, Justin getting a mortgage, that would be a rack of lamb.
Justin: You think maybe she's sleeping with somebody again?
Sarah: I don't know. She gets more action than me, for sure.
Saul: Your mother is not sleeping with anyone.
Kitty: Well, whatever it is, I'm hungry, so I am going to the kitchen. I'm gonna find out what the hell is going on, okay?
Sarah: Trust me, Robert. That's not hunger. That's a very bad mood.
Robert: I'll be right back.
Nora: Okay, rack of lamb, everyone.
Sarah: It is gorgeous.
Nora: Where are Kitty and Robert?
Tommy: They're dealing with something.
Nora: Kevin, what's going on?
Kevin: What? I'm his communications director. I'm not his marriage counselor.
Justin: You know what, we should eat. I mean, they might be in there forever.
Nora: No, we are not going to start until everyone's at the table.
Sarah: Okay, then, Mom, can you please tell us what is going on?
Kevin: Yeah.
Nora: We're having dinner. Can't I have my children over without?
All: No.

Saul: This is a very special bottle of Cote de Nuits. I want you to cleanse your palates, otherwise you're not gonna get any.
Justin: Cleanse my palate of what? Mom, can we just start eating?
Nora: Justin, relax.
Jusin: Kevin, can you just toss me a roll, then, please?
Nora: Well...
Scotty: Oh!, nice catch, Nora.
Justin: Mom.
Nora: For goodness' sakes.
Scotty: How's it going with Henry?
Saul: Great. He wants to have dinner separately.
Sarah: We don't do separately.
Saul: When are you and Rebecca gonna be free, Justin?
Justin: Who knows?
Kevin: Where is she?
Saul: Is she ever coming back to work?
Justin: Look, I don't know. Just drop it, all right?
Sarah: Is something going on with you two?
Justin: No, no. Why would you ask?
Kevin: Because you're being defensive.
Justin: There's a reason.
Nora: All of you just leave him alone, all right? Leave him alone.
Justin: Thank you, Mom.
Nora: How is the job hunt going, honey?
Justin: Oh, my...
Sarah: I've got a leak under my sink, if you wanna take a look at that.
Justin: That's awesome.
Robert: Okay. Sorry.
Justin: Can we eat now?
Robert: One second. I have something that I wanna say. As you all know, our birth mother is due in two weeks.
All: Yeah. All right.
Robert: And, well, it's a boy.
All: Oh!
Robert: No, I'm just kidding. It's a girl.
Robert: Just kidding. We don't know. It's gonna be a surprise. But I do have something that I wanna say. After much soul-searching, and the hard-fought support of your amazing sister Kitty, I've decided I'm running for governor.
Sarah: What?
Nora: Kevin. I knew you were holding out on us.
Robert: But I'm not announcing it until next week, so, Walkers, keep a lid on it.Scotty: Seriously, Kitty and I adore all of you, you're family, and we just wanted you to be the first to know.
Kitty: Yes. Cheers.
Justin: Cheers.
All: Cheers.
Tommy: Governor. Cheers.
Justin: Governor.
Noray: Speaking of family, I, too, have an announcement.
Sarah: Oh, the truth comes out.
Nora: I just want you all to know that last weekend, I went to Berkeley, and... I met your half-brother Ryan.
Sarah: What?
Kitty: The bastard?
Nora: Kitty.
Kevin: See, what'd I tell you? Rack of lamb.
Justin: Why would you do?
Nora: Because he called me. He found out William was his father, biological father.
Tommy: You didn't have to go up and meet him.
Sarah: I thought you decided you were gonna leave this alone.
Nora: He is related to you. It was the right thing to do.
Saul: Nora, tell them about the ticket. You know what your mother did? She bought him a plane ticket. He's probably flying here at this very minute.
All: What?
Justin: You can't be serious.
Nora: He has the right to know where he came from.
Sarah: Wow.
Kevin: Oh, my God.
Sarah: What's he like?
Nora: He's lovely. He's young, and he needs help growing up, that's all.
Kitty: Mom, you know what? Not everybody needs to meet our family to be happy.
All: eah.
Justin: We're miserable.
Sarah: Look at Kevin.
Kitty: I mean...
Kevin: Look how miserable I am.
Justin: We're, like, all unhappy.

Kevin: She is? Wait, right now?
Scotty: Yes, now. Ah... what happened to that gift bag you brought home? There was a candle in it, I think.
Kevin: Yeah, I threw it out.
Scotty: You threw it out?
Kevin: It was sandalwood.
Scotty: Kevin.
Kevin: What? You hate sandalwood. Has Kitty talked to Robert?

Sarah: You have to dig into the crack.
Scotty: Excuse me?
Sarah: Have to find the lower anchor. You'll feel a click.
Scotty: Yeah. I see it.
Sarah: Did that click?
Scotty: Yeah.
Sarah: Good, good. No, no, no. The other way around.
Scotty: The child rides backwards?
Sarah: That's right. It's safer.
Saul: No wonder they spit up all the time.
Sarah: Come on, guys. This is not rocket science. It's an infant car seat.
Saul: What are you talking about, Sarah? There are... there are straps and tethers and anchors... It's mind-boggling.

Scotty: Don't worry about me. I only make a living with my hands.
Tommy: I'll be right there, Scotty.

Scotty: Okay, guys, could I please get a hand in here?
Tommy: Just relax, all right?

Episode 17
Kevin: I feel like I haven't seen you in years.
Scotty: You poor thing. Are you okay?
Kevin: Yeah, I think so. My phone died. I think I killed it, you know, trying to make so many calls. Can I borrow yours? I need to call the office.> They need to fax a bunch of confidentiality agreements.
Scotty: Okay, can you at least tell me what happened, first?
Kevin: Yeah. Robert had a heart attack. You know, one minute he was fine, the next he collapsed, and we called him an ambulance.
Scotty: That's it?
Kevin: What do you want me to say? Ummm, you know, that I thought he was gonna die? That I thought I was gonna have to stand there and watch him die, and, you know, not be able to help?
Scotty: But you did help him. You got him here.
Kevin: You know, in the ambulance when they were working on him, the EMT kept saying to me: "Your friend... Your... Your friend is gonna be okay." I didn't even like him when he became my brother-in-law. And now that he is my friend, and God knows how that happened, I can't bear the thought of losing him.
Scotty: But the EMT said he was gonna be fine.
Kevin: Yeah, that was before his heart stopped. I mean, what if that happens again?
Scotty: They'll take care of him. You know, your friend has a new son. And you have a new nephew.
Kevin: Have you seen him?
Scotty: Mm-hm. And I think you better meet him before you do anything else.
Kevin: I don't feel presentable right now.
Scotty: It's okay. He won't mind. He's all blotchy too.

Tommy: Hey, Scotty. This is yours.
Scotty: Oh, thanks, Tommy. I didn't realize how hungry I was.
Tommy: Yeah. Here, babe. I got this for you.
Julia: You still mad at me?
Tommy: No, I'm fine.
Julia: Tell me why you got...
Tommyy: Kev, uh, pastrami. What, is that a problem?
Kevin: No.

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